what to do if your stalker shows up after 10 yrs

Jan v, 2021|ABC News
Megan Fox, ABC News Writer

After 9-year fight to prosecute her stalker, woman shares story to help other survivors

Anna Nasset believes she should be expressionless. She is among the extremely small percent of stalking survivors who successfully put her offender behind bars.

In 2019, the man who stalked her was sentenced to 10 years in prison, granting her what she calls "a decade of freedom."

"I 100% should exist dead," she told "Good Forenoon America," calculation that her stalker of over a decade was constitute guilty of felony stalking in violation of a protective guild and felony cyberstalking. "It's kind of shocking that I'm live. Luckily, they caught him earlier he could practice anything."

Nasset is ane of the more than 6 million people over the age of xviii who are stalked each year in the United States, according to data from the Department of Justice'south Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). That number is believed to be much college, however, as BJS statistics point but xl% of stalking cases are reported to police.

According to the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC), one in six women and 1 in 17 men are stalking survivors. Roughly 15% of those individuals said the stalking forced them to motion. Among that grouping is Nasset.

Every bit Nasset, 40, looks back at the challenges she endured in her pursuit for justice, she hopes she will empower other survivors by sharing her story.

9 years to get justice

In November of 2011, Nasset says she was living her dream life — owning and operating an fine art gallery in Port Townsend, Washington. That dream life was stolen from her, she said, when a man she did not know entered her gallery and expressed interest in showing his work.

Later on their first interaction, Nasset said the man made numerous attempts to phone call her and began sending her messages on Facebook that grew increasingly personal, from describing her appearance to mentioning the many places he evidently watched her. Nasset said he as well tried sending her handwritten letters, which never reached her because her accost was kept private and likewise wrote about her to public officials.

A friend convinced Nasset to make a written report to the Port Townsend Police Department, and upon speaking to police enforcement officers, she came to notice they were already familiar with this private.

The police force, she said, told her the man had a reputation of stalking people "for small spurts of fourth dimension," and "it looked like I was the next victim," she recalled. A restraining order was filed, but it did piddling to discourage her offender's behavior.

In 2012, Nasset'south stalker plead guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was sentenced to 364 days in jail.

Withal, his sentence didn't deter his stalking, and subsequently his release the following year, he intensified his harassment. Nasset said he began sending vehement threats that made her fright for her life. She said she airtight her fine art gallery in Oct 2013 considering of the psychological toll and ultimately fled to Vermont in 2016.

The move did little to discourage her stalker, Nasset said, saying he continued sending her messages that "were becoming more and more violent." She feared that the offender would physically pursue her to Vermont, and she filed a report with the state police.

But Nasset said the constabulary dismissed her concerns and told her, "There's nothing we tin can practise to aid you."

Shortly after that interaction, Nasset received discussion from the Port Townsend police that her stalker had been arrested again, and a prosecutor decided to pursue stronger charges against him.

The prosecutor "decided to take on the impossible," Nasset said, explaining that stalkers are "very, very, very rarely" prosecuted.

Few stalking perpetrators are arrested, and even fewer are prosecuted, co-ordinate to the BJS. Of the roughly 40% of stalking cases reported to police, a 2009 report from the Bureau indicated only a fifth of victims printing charges. Once reported to police, but eight% of stalking perpetrators are arrested, the report showed.

The BJS is expected to release updated stalking statistics adjacent twelvemonth, as national victimization surveys are commonly completed once every decade.

"Stalking is i of the only crimes that criminalizes legal behaviors. Information technology'due south not illegal to send someone 12 dozen roses, but when you look at it in the context of a stalking situation, it could go illegal," Brady said. In improver, Brady said a person guilty of stalking may be arrested and prosecuted for a separate crime that is easier to bear witness in court, such every bit concrete assault, which also impacts the information.

Prosecutors accept to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a crime was committed. For Nasset, it took several years for the prosecutor to build her case to prove that she was a victim of stalking. In 2019, the case went earlier a judge, every bit her stalker opted against having a trial past jury, she said. Nasset added that her stalker was allowed to represent himself, "and so he was able to cross-examine me," she added.

Nasset said that during her cross examination, her offender "started questioning me almost things that took identify in 2008," and she realized that was when he began stalking her.

The judge ruled in Nasset's favor and released his verdict a calendar month after the demote trial.

"When the gauge said x years, I lost information technology. I basically kicked the chair out from behind me and collapsed onto the floor, non even sobbing, merely similar gasping for air," she said. "I couldn't breathe once I realized what had happened."

At present, with her own ordeal behind her, she is working to educate victims of criminal offence on how to navigate the criminal justice organization.

Hindsight is 2020: Ask for a victim's advocate

If she could go back, knowing what she knows now, Nasset said she would have obtained a victim's abet much earlier.

"Before you fix foot in the police station, become to your local crisis shelter or middle, give them a call, and get an advocate," Nasset advised.

When her stalker was arrested in 2012, she was assigned her first advocate through Pigeon House Advocacy Services in Port Townsend. She maintained contact with Dove Business firm to assist with protection orders over the years and, after the prosecutor brought elevated charges confronting her stalker in 2017, Nasset was assigned a victim witness coordinator. Victim witness coordinators prepare survivors for trial in criminal cases.

In 2019, she obtained a Vermont-based abet from the attorney general'south office to help her prepare for trial, adding that she was previously unaware that she could work with a local service provider in some other country, because her case was based in Washington.

"A victim advocate [provides] nonjudgmental support, education and advancement to victims and survivors of crime," said Claire Selib, executive director of the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA).

Advocates help survivors navigate any criminal justice and medical processes, connect survivors to resource such as counseling and aid with obtaining victim compensation, Selib said.

Advocates work with victims of offense at no charge, only Selib noted survivors are often not fabricated enlightened of the gratuitous resource or they aren't given the choice, because "advice breakdowns be."

"If you exercise report a criminal offense, you tin can ask for the assistance of an advocate if they're not made available to you by the responding officer," she said, calculation that survivors can also visit the NOVA website for help locating a local service provider.

Interacting with law enforcement

Victims and survivors should never experience like a burden when contacting law enforcement, explained Connecticut State Police Trooper Showtime Class Christine Jeltema. The principal goal of an officer responding to a distress call is to let the victim "tell their story," she said.

The more information a victim is able to provide, she stressed, the stronger their instance becomes — even if the information is provided later in the investigation.

"We know that, as with trauma, things tend to be forgotten. … And so as more information is remembered or as more information comes forward, they [demand] to come dorsum and tell us more of what happened, especially when at that place's something and so egregious, like a sexual assault or domestic violence or anything forth those lines," she said.

In one case a victim of crime provides their prove, information technology may take fourth dimension for law to build a case, Jeltema said. For case, a gauge's approval is required for law to human action on a search or arrest warrant, which must have plenty likely cause for a prosecutor to review it, sign off on it and forward information technology to a estimate beforehand.

Nasset admitted she grew impatient as she awaited updates regarding her case. But having been through the process, she offered a reminder for others.

"[Police are] working to protect so many people correct at present," Nasset said. "They're working on kid sex activity offense cases. They're working on human trafficking cases. They're working on all this stuff. [You have to] remember that and respect that."

While a majority of stalking victims say police took a report when contacted, nearly ane out of every five survivors say law enforcement took no action, according to BJS data.

"Oft, survivors of color do not want to interact with law enforcement considering of the negative interactions and feelings of unfairness and fear, or lack of justice," Vagins added.

Vagins recommended survivors write down and bring a "clear timeline of events" to police to make them "more likely to accept the case seriously."

"Stalking is i of the few crimes where the burden of collecting and preserving bear witness falls on the survivor," she said, calculation that the NNEDV offers a free evidence collecting app called DocuSAFE that allows survivors to easily document abuse.

When to hire an chaser

While Nasset was fortunate to have a land prosecutor debate on her behalf, she knows she is the exception and non the norm.

In instances of stalking, One thousand thousand Garvin, the executive director of the National Crime Victim Police Institute, said survivors should consider hiring their own legal representation.

"Having an attorney along the way is critical," Garvin explained. "Our system isn't ready up, civil or criminal, for a person who is not a lawyer to empathize their rights. It's really designed to have lawyers help people empathize their rights."

Start by contacting local victim service agencies, calling the legal services hotline of your state or visiting your country'south Bar Association website, she said.

Advice to survivors from a survivor

Nasset said one of the worst things victims of criminal offence can exercise is anticipate that their example volition play out similar what they see on crime television shows.

"We can't base any of our life, actually, on what we're seeing on TV. I recollect it'due south just important to take out that televised Hollywood version of information technology," she said. "This is real life, and in existent life, things go differently."

Nasset also said survivors should prepare for how draining the process of heading to trial will exist and know they are not solitary.

"It takes a toll on your relationships, information technology takes a price on your piece of work, it takes a price on your ability to but do the dishes. I mean, everything," she explained, adding she is notwithstanding healing from her ordeal. "I think it's actually important to understand that is normal."

Nasset, who founded an organization called Stand up Up Resources to assist enhance sensation about stalking, said survivors should ever know they have rights.

"There are services out there that are there for y'all and really skillful organizations that are there to support you," she said.

"I feel actually fortunate that I've been given this gift of a decade of liberty," said Nasset, who added she is looking frontwards to what "I go to do with it."


Source: https://www.ccvs.vermont.gov/news/after-9-year-fight-to-prosecute-her-stalker-woman-shares-story-to-help-other-survivors/

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